Remez 11, Kiryat Ata
(Lev Hasharon) Bney Dror junction
Shomron Regional Council
The content on this website includes study and preparation material for the Game Show.
Please note that questions on the Game Show may or may not be included in this material
Foundation of the Zionist Movement
Chivat Zion
The Beginning of Zionism– Theodore Herzl
First Zionist Congress
Variances within Zionism
Pre-State Zionist Leaders
First Aliyah
Bilu’im (Jewish Pre-State Pioneers)
Rothschild and the Moshavot
Rosh Pina
Demographics of the First Aliyah
The Second Aliyah
Institutions and Urban Development
Settling the Land
Demographics of the Second Aliyah
Underground Military Movements
Underground Fighters – Summarization
Palmach and the IDF
UN Recognition and the Independence War/
A Few Against Many
The Birth of a Jewish State!
The 1950’s in Israel – The Great Aliyah
Absorption Centers
Holocaust Survivors
Securing Borders and Sinai Campaign
War of Attrition – The land of the chase
The Yom Kippur War
The war in the north and in the south
The settlement challenge – in the south
Settling the-mountains of the-center
Settling the north
Additional Highlights of Israeli History – Operation Entebbe
The Collapse of the Iron Curtain
Aliyah of Ethiopian Jewry